Lesson 17 - La Ciudad (The City)
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→ Prepositions of Location
Pages in this lesson: City - Prepositions of location - Dialogue - Reading - Quiz
This page: Learn the prepositions of location in Spanish. Interactive lessons with audio to hear the pronunciation of the words.
Grammar Lesson
Click on the prepositions in the table below to hear the pronunciation and repeat.
Preposition of Location | Translation |
► en | in |
► dentro de | inside |
► fuera de | outside |
► cerca de | close to |
► lejos de | far from |
► debajo de | below, under |
► encima de | on top of |
► al lado de | next to |
► entre | between, among |
► delante de | ahead of |
► detrás de | behind |
► enfrente de | in front of (opposite)* |
► a la derecha de | to the right of |
► a la izquierda de | to the left of |
*The preposition delante de (ahead of) generally means that both objects or people are going in the same direction (like when you're waiting in a line), whereas enfrente de (in front of) generally means that they are opposite each other (facing each other) or in some other position but with one in front of the other. When you talk about a house being across the street from your house, you would use enfrente de because the houses are facing each other (with the street in the middle). They are opposite each other.
Note: Many of these prepositions of location can be used as adverbs if you remove the de.
As you can see in these examples, prepositions are connecting words. In this sentence, the preposition "close to" (cerca de) connects the extra information of the position of the house in relation to the school. Adverbs are used by themselves to modify the verb.
Section 1
Select a preposition of location that describes where the red X is in relation to the blue box.
Section 2
Write the Spanish translation of the preposition of location.
Section 3
Select a preposition of location to complete the sentence and describe where the item is in the picture.
el carro = the car | la casa = the house | el árbol = the tree | el perro = the dog | el sol = the sun | el cielo = the sky
del = contraction of "de" and "el" (of the)
el gato = the cat | la mesa = the table | el florero = the flower vase | las flores = the flowers
la canasta = the basket | la bicicleta = the bicycle | la nube = the cloud | la pelota = the ball
Find the mistake in the sentence and re-write it correctly in the space. Don't forget to use correct capitalization, accents and punctuation, or the computer will mark it as incorrect.
Describe where things are in your house.
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Lesson 17 - La Ciudad (The City)
City - Prepositions of location - Dialogue - Reading - Quiz
Pronouns - Pronunciation - Verbs