Language Focus: Housework verbs
Classroom activities: Charades - Write all of the housework verbs on slips of paper. A student draws one of the verbs and acts it out. The other students guess what the verb is and say it in a sentence in the present progressive.
Language Focus: Obligation verbs
Classroom activities: Write one sentence using each of the obligation verbs. The students could write it in the form of a to-do list.
Language Focus: Housework verbs and obligation verbs
Classroom activities: Have the students read the dialogue in pairs.
Language Focus: Housework verbs
Classroom activities: Have a class debate about whether or not children should do chores. Half of the class defends the position that children should do household chores and half defends that they should not (no matter what their opinion is about this). Before the debate, each debate team should prepare some arguments to defend their position. Many of the sentences will use obligation verbs.
Have the students review any portions of the lesson that they made mistakes in on the quiz.
Pronouns - Pronunciation - Verbs